Sunday, July 22, 2007

Daedalus and Icarus

For the story of Daedalus and Icarus, i'm still finding information and sources on it. There are lots of different versions on it and since it is a Greek mythology there are quite a number of websites which offer different interpretations of it. So my duty is to get the correct interpretation. As far as i am concerned the story is about the relationship between the father and a son. It is also about the advice which the father gives to his son but eventually the son never listens the advice and guess what he...Check it for yourself. Dr.Ed has also assigned us to get a similar story which has the same issue as in 'The Mahabharata'. Frankly speaking once upon a time i have read this story now i could not recall what i have recall. I have entirely forgotten the story. It is a very beautiful epic, well crafted with lots of beautiful scenery and interesting values. Apart from that, I would like to share this particular author while i was browsing some books in Kinokuniya. His name is Shashi Tharoor who has come out with his book 'The Great Indian Novel'. It is actually the story of The Mahabharata retold in a modern way. If you to know more about this author log on to Here you can find lots of information on his works as well as his biography. He is quite an interesting author. So happy reading.

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