The second letter which Vincent wrote was to his brother and here he expressed about the physical distance between each of them. This can be also interpreted as emotional nearness where the love and warmth that both of once had turned out to be a difference between them. Vincent is talking about his depression and this can be seen from the line when he says “Today I promised myself something, that is, to treat my illness, or rather what remains of it, as if it didn’t exist.” What can be viewed from these two letters is his ambition has touch the lives of people. It has been a great inspiration for people who have read his letters. So friends if you have been keeping something for a long time to be expressed due to private reasons, better for you to express it now.We don’t know what will happen to us tomorrow. It is better to reveal out rather than keeping in the heart for a long time. If you start now your burden lessen but if you don’t start forever you will be thinking when i should tell this? Better to express out whatever you have and be in peace.
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