I enjoyed very much posting my journals in this blog. This is the second time I am posting my journals. The first time I created my blog is during the drama course. I think this is the course where we first started posting. The only difference between the first blog and the second blog is the first blog we post and we comment on our friends blog and vice versa. The second blog we only have to post our journals only. Through this semester I have learned a lot on this course. I really love and enjoyed the different types of genres which can be found from Dr.Ed’s collection in the yellow book which he provided for us. It has widen my knowledge and understanding of the course. It has also helped me a lot especially in understanding the different author’s works. It’s good that we are exposed to these different types of authors and the variety of genres so that we have a good and strong background of what is really to read those texts. In this course also I have learnt a lot on doing position paper and research paper. Now I have a brief background of what it is to write those papers. Besides it has also helped me to learn how to think, understand and do judgement. It has also prepared me earlier so that when I want to do my masters I will don’t have any difficuly. I am also very happy and grateful to have Dr.Edwin as my supervisor. Throughout my work on the position paper and research paper, you have helped me a lot as well gave me advice. Also sometimes when you are busy you still guided me and this has really made feel happy. Overall, I enjoyed this course a lot which has developed me to become a good teacher. So Dr.Ed, till we meet during my practicals. Have a nice day. May God bless you. Take care.