Author: Jhumpa Lahiri (The Namesake)
Bharati Mukherjee (Jasmine)
Aspect of the writer’s work: Treatment of theme in both novels.
Title on Research paper: The portrayal of the theme of construction of
immigrant identities through characterization in
The Namesake and Jasmine.
-both novels represent the immigrant experience in the States.
-mainly search for each own identities.
-looking at the diaspora between two different cultures.In The Namesake, the family is a Bengali and in Jasmine is Punjabi.
-the issues and confrontations that both characters deal with.
-looking at both side of the characters on how they cope/adjust themselves according to the situation in America.
-the challenges in accepting one’s own identity.
-it chronicles on what is to become an American.
-the accepatance to live in a foreign country whose culture and thinking is entirely different from their homelands.
-tangled tied between generations.(can be seen from the novel The Namesake)
-family,tradition and self-experience.
-2nd generation Americans
Implications for Education:
-educating the students at a broader range on migrant issues.
-introducing new terms like diaspora so that the students will be familiar with such terms.
-spatial differences (setting).For example a person’s homeland and the place which he or she is going to migrate can make the students see the differences between the person’s life before and after decides something.This can show to the students the emotion of the person, the challenges,acceptability,culture gap and different ways of living from wider horizon.
-the students will be able to look at the experiences of different countries.
-understanding of the writers’ feelings.
-broaden the students knowledge in looking at things from a different angle.The students can relate to their own life experiences if they face the same situation like the characters involved in the story which in turn can enhance their thinking skills.
-better understanding of the Indian diaspora.
-talk about the migrant identities.
-can show example like in Malaysia the 2nd ,3rd or 4th generation of people.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Unexpected meeting with Adibah Noor. A sweet memory to be cherished.

Last Thursday I went to Kinokuniya to look for this book ‘The Kite Runner’ by Khaled Hosseini. I was searching for this book and finally I managed to grab it. It is a novel about modern Afghanistan. Actually I came with this author when I saw a big poster in ouf faculty library. I read the review and I found it to be interesting. So I just grabbed it and took it to the payment counter. While I was waiting in the payment counter, I saw a lady quite familiar. I have seen in the Just English magazine where there is an article on Adibah Noor and I know how she looks like. I turned my head slightly down and it is Adibah Noor. I quickly greeted her and I couldn’t imagine I’m talking to a person after so many years I always wanted to see her. She also was very delighted to meet me and as usual I introduced myself. She also advice me not only to be a good educator but also a good teacher. For your information guys, she is still singing. Since there is not much time left and lots of her fans taking snaps, hugging and kissing her, I asked her for an autograph. She also told me to pass her warm regards to you all friends all also all the TESL lecturers in UPM. What a wonderful experience meeting with her. I told my parents whom I met today and they said that it is my luck that I managed to see her. I will not forget this wonderful moment.
The 5 main points

Today, we continued with some discussion on the 5 main points for the position paper. Mine have been approved by I still want to make sure its correct. So I showed the 5 main points to Dr.Edwin and guess what I can already start working on it. I was very happy that now I can start writing the first draft. What a wonderful experience on position paper. After all the weeks of preparing researching and reworking on the points, at last I managed to do it.
Good luck to others with your 5 points.
Good luck to others with your 5 points.
2nd meeting with Dr.Ed for research paper

Today, we had our 2nd meeting with Dr.Edwin. I was very happy that my research paper is settled and I can begin with my next journey that is preparing on draft. Overall, my outline is very detail and now I have to work on specifically on what I’m going to talk about. As I have mentioned earlier I will be doing on two different authors but dealing with the same issue. I will also be looking on this term ‘diaspora’ which deals with the two novels which I will be looking at.
Diaries. It’s a good way of getting to know ourselves better

Today, we went on a new topic that is discussing on diaries. I really like to read authors diaries because it gives me an awareness of the people who is talking about his or her life. Also, the person’s experiences and his or her revelations in it. It also can act as a source of relieve especially for people who are undergoing the same situation as in the person in the diary. This will make the reader to create a strong bond between himself or herself and the person in the story. Dr.Ed proposed this question to us on ‘What do diaries tell us about the writer?. My response is that it tells about the writer’s feelings and revelations about personal ideology which is controlled through religion, values, cultures and ethnicity. It is also private and personal. Apart from that, writer’s of diaries have a positive impact towards their work. This what makes them to write freely, openly and without any feelings of shameness or guiltness. Also Dr.Ed stated that fictional diaries are literary genres which is closely related to the issue being said by the writer. For your information friends, I do not keep any record in diaries but after listening to Dr.Edwin’s lecture, I thought maybe I should start keeping a diary. It will be useful to understand myself better as well as for keeping an account of whatever information which I find it to be useful. Thanks to Dr.Ed for introducing us to the background of diaries as well as alerting us the impotance of diary. Your lecture has open my eyes to the world of diaries. Besides that, Dr.Ed has also suggested for us to look for this author Sue Townsend on her work ‘Secret Diaries of Adrian Mole’. So my duty over this weekend is to go to Kinokuniya and find this book. Also friends, not forgetting our readings on “Quotes from “The Andy Warhol Diaries” and also Kafka, 1910 Diaries. Hmmm, lots of reading to be done.
The Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela.Discussion on the 2nd part

Today, we continued our discussion on autobiography. Dr.Ed discussed on the use of clothing. This aspect can be seen in the story where it says ‘Apartheid’s regulations extended even to clothing. What it shows here is that the use of clothing is considered as symbolic to freeman and prisoner. There are other variety uses of clothing like to show the hierarchical position in society. If we take a glance during the early Vitorian and Romantic period, the ladies usually wear heavy gowns with jewelleries and hair bands attached them. For those who do not come under this category will only wear simple clothing. This is because of the royal patriarchal family where men and ladies have dresses which show their position in the society whereas those who do not fall under the royal family are not required to wear the same clothing as they because the power and status will decrease. Apart from that the use of clothing can also be as a form of controlling people which reflects theirselves. Dr.Ed has also stated there are lessons which we can gain from this story. One of it is the need to speak out for own rights. The word “our” is talking about the community. We have to be strong in order to speak because only by speaking we can reveal our judgement and acceptability of what we are saying. Also be willing to pay the price for your stand shows that you are doing for yourself, not for anybody, so whatever decision you make will not go waste. Generally, Nelson Mandela is actually trying to express his willingness to sacrifice his youth. Does it sound very motivational? Yes indeed and he is a person who has a strong heart on giving whatever things that he need to say. What a wonderful person.
Discussion on research paper: The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and Jasmine by Bharati Mukherjee

For my research paper, we had a meeting on Wednesday. All of us met in JPPL building to discuss what we are going to do. I will be doing on Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel The Namesake. Firstly, I told Dr.Ed that I will be working on this one novel but actually we have to work on two novels. I said WOW!, so I have to choose another novel. So during the class, I kept thinking which author I am going to work on. I was scratching my head, scribbling all the authors which I knew on a paper until the paper is full of blue ink. Then suddenly, I came across with this author by the name Bharati Mukherjee. Sounds like a sister to Rani Mukherjee, one of the actors in Bollywood movies don’t you think. Actually she is either a sister or actor in Bollywood movie, she is infact a quite well established writer. She has written quite a number of fiction and non – fiction books and most of it touches on Indian immigrants life experiences . One of her novels which I will be working is entitled Jasmine. Both Jhumpa and Bharati are Bengalis from Calcutta and their stories mainly about Indian ‘diaspora’ of immigrants going to a different country and how they cope with the changes and challenges they face in a country which is different from their own of time and space. It’s really interesting to find out what is in tore in their life. It makes you think, appreciate and preserve your own culture. So after the class, I quickly ran down and told Dr.Ed that I will be working on this author and guess what, he said Okay, carry on. So I will be working on two different authors but dealing with the same issue. There will be a lot of research going to be done and I have to go the library to find articles, magazines or journals for this paper. Also Dr.Edwin told us to do an outline of what we are going to do. Over the weekend, I will be working on this. I have to look on the theme which I ‘m going to work on and also the implication towards education in the classroom. I hope friends, you also have started your research paper. So this weekend, I will put on my door ‘RESEARCH IS GOING ON’ . Have fun.
Discussion on thesis statements, 5 main points with Siti Norbaiti

This time, Dr.Ed was away and Siti Norbaiti took over the class. As usual, she asks us to come up to the front and write our thesis statement and the 5 main points. She did a great job in explaining and discussing with us where we went wrong and what to do to improve. It was a nice experience being with Dr.Edwin’s tutor. I didn’t come up to the front to write my thesis statement and the 5 main points because I was still working on it. Anyway, I explained to Norbaiti that Dr.Ed have approved my thesis statement and currently I’m working on the points. I showed her a few of the points which I managed to do and she said that I have to elaborate a bit more so that it will sound good. So, I have received the input from her and immediately I started working on it.
Autobiography: What an EXPOSURE !!!

This time, Dr.Ed lectured about Nelson Mandela’s autobiography. Before coming to the class, Dr.Ed has instructed us to read Nelson Mandela’s autobiography and I felt quite sad because the horrible and the unexpected things which he has to go. I kept thinking to myself, how this person after having experienced so many things in life, managed to express feelings in his story. There are some people out there that could not even write an autobiography due to some bad experience which he or she has experienced in life. But here after reading his autobiography, I felt that this guy really have the heart to write and reveal out freely his experiences. This is truly amazing. After reading his autobiography, I too now like to write my own autobiography but write now, I have no time because, all of us are busy doing our position and research project works. Perhaps later, when I’m doing my Postgraduate programme (Masters), I will write my own autobiography of any account of my life experiences and then give it to Dr.Ed to use as a reading for the later juniors. How nice if my work can be as a inspiration for the other students. Sounds interesting don’t you think. While discussing on Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, Dr.Ed also introduced us on the elements of autobiography as well as the 4 different types of questions on autobiography. As a review guys, let me state the four type of questions which we have been discussed in class.
Why write autobiographies?
1) What could be some of the functions of autobiographies?
2) Pitfalls in reading autobiographies.
3) What could educational implications for using autobiographies in the classroom?
Apart from that, Dr.Ed have also assigned us to find the definition of autobiography, why people have diaries and also find extracts on any diaries / journals / blogs which can be used in the classroom. WOW!, that’s a lot of work need to be done over the weekend. So I’m going to sit in front of my blue screen while having a cup of coffee and listening to Hitz.Fm. What a happy weekend.
To be continued…
Why write autobiographies?
1) What could be some of the functions of autobiographies?
2) Pitfalls in reading autobiographies.
3) What could educational implications for using autobiographies in the classroom?
Apart from that, Dr.Ed have also assigned us to find the definition of autobiography, why people have diaries and also find extracts on any diaries / journals / blogs which can be used in the classroom. WOW!, that’s a lot of work need to be done over the weekend. So I’m going to sit in front of my blue screen while having a cup of coffee and listening to Hitz.Fm. What a happy weekend.
To be continued…
Reworking on thesis statement and the 5 main points

My thesis statement has been approved by Dr.Ed and I’m very happy that at last after lots of thinking and redoing, I have managed to get my thesis statement done. Now, it’s the main points which is making me think what is the most suitable points to add. In Jhumpa Lahiri’s book, The Interpreter of Maladies, which I’m focusing on one of the short stories that is ‘A Temporary Matter’, there are lots of ironies and humour which she use to create suspense, conflict, romance and fun. What I have to look among these is what really makes Shukumar change his attitude after the stillbirth of the baby. There are lots of instances that show how his attitude changes after the stillbirth of the baby but right for now, I have to only find the 5 main points. I wrote the main points on the board and somewhat was not approved in a sense that I have to elaborate more and justify it with very proper, concrete and strong reasons. So, I’m still continuing my finding on these 5 main points and Godwilling, I will be able to write on the board the next time. So friends, lets meet the next session.
About Bharati Mukherjee

Bharati Mukherjee was born on July 27, 1940, to an upper-middle class Hindu Brahmin family in Calcutta, India. She is the second of three daughters of Sudhir Lal, who is a chemist, and Bina Mukherjee. She was born into an extraordinary close-knit and intelligent family. Mukherjee and her sisters were always given ample academic opportunities, and they have all pursued academic endeavors in their careers and also have had the opportunity to receive a good schooling. In 1947, her father was given a job in England and all of his family went along and lived there until 1951. This has given Mukherjee a good opportunity to develop her English language skills. In 1959, she earned a B.A. with honors from the University of Calcutta. Later then she and her family moved to Baroda, India where studied for her Master’s Degree in English and Ancient Indian Culture. This was in 1961. Mukherjee have also been awarded a scholarship from the University of Iowa where she earned her M.F.A. in Creative Writing in 1963 and her Ph.D. in English as well as Comparative Literature in 1969. She then returned to India to get marry to a bridegroom of her father’s choosing. However, during a lunch break on September 19, 1963, the whole thing has been changed. Mukherjee has married to Clark Baise, a Canadian writer. This happened in a lawyer’s office which is above a coffee shop and it is only two weeks of courtship. In the following that is in 1968, Mukherjee have immigrated to Canada with her husband and became a naturalized citizen in 1972. During her 14 years in Canada, she has suffered quite a lot. She found herself to be discriminated where she was treated badly. She has also spoken in one of the interviews about her hard life in Canada. Apart from all that, she was able to write her first two novels which is The Tiger’s Daughter published in 1971 and Wife published in 1975. Besides that her collection of short stories entitled Darkness which was published in 1985 is actually a revelation of the cultural separation while living in Canada. A few years later after being fed up with Canada, Mukherjee and her family moved to the States in 1980, where she lived as a permanent U.S. resident. Because of the different experiences which she had gone through in her life, she has been described as a write who has undergone several phases of life. The first phase is where she struggle with her own identity as an exile from India, then an expatriate in Canada, and finally as an immigrant in the United States. Mukherjee is currently working as a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. On the other hand her husband teaches at the University of Iowa and they have two sons by the name Bart Anand and Bernard Sudhir. I would like to quote Candia McWilliam of the London Review of Books where it says Mukherjee as “A write both tough and voluptuous” in her works.
A brief biography on Jhumpa Lahiri

Nilanjana Sudeshna Lahiri was born in London, England on 11 July 1967. She is the daughter of parents who emigrated from India. Later then, she was raised in Kingstown, Rhode Island where her father Amar K. Lahiri worked as a professor librarian at the University of Rhode Island and her mother, Tapati Lahiri who holds an M.A. in Bengali as a schoolteacher. Her younger sister, Jhelum, has a Ph.D. in history. Jhumpa received a B.A in English Literature at Barnard College, and her later received her M.A in English, Creative writing, and Comparative Studies in Literature and then Arts, as well obtaining a Ph.d in Renaissance Studies from Boston University, New York. As a child Jhumpa (her nickname which was given to her by an elementary – school teacher) used to write extended fictional works in notebooks and also composed stories jointly with friends during recess. Two years later, on 15 January 2001, she married Alberto Vourvoulias – Bush, who is the deputy editor pf the Latin American edition of Time. She actually belongs to a new generation of East Indian writers of fiction that includes Arundhati Roy, Raj Kamal Jha, and Pankaj Mishra. Lahiri portrays Indians who live abroad who face displacement, despite of their native culture, where they attempt to intergrate themselves into their adopted homeland, and suffer tensions over moral and emotional issues. Her stories mainly touches on perennial themes such as love, marital difficulties, adultery, guilt, alienation, personal relationships, and self-discovery. Her debut work, Interpreter of Maladies, has won several awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2000. Her second publication, which is The Namesake, was her first novel and it is included in the New York Times bestseller list. As author Jaydeep Sarangi explains, “Jhumpa Lahiri’s stories are the gateways into the large submerged territory of’cross – culturalism’. It is a metaphor to share cultures…something that will allow them/us to share, instead of dividing, what is on either side”. Currently, Lahiri lives in New York City with her husband and son and is working on her second novel.
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